Apple has begun selling OS X Mountain Lion redemption codes alongside OS X Lion for $20 each. Lion was previously available for purchase directly from Apple over the phone, but the company has decided to make it easier to purchase either version of the older OS X vintages directly online.
The codes that you purchase can be redeemed on the Mac App Store to download and install OS X. We did some asking around about the thinking behind this particular arrangement and the nut of it is that Apple only offers one version of OS X at a time for purchase on the Mac App Store: the current one. But OS X Mavericks, though it does support some devices as far back as 2007, still has a lot of compatibility gaps for old Macs.
If you’ve previously purchased either Lion or Mountain Lion, these are freely downloadable from the Mac App Store, but this new arrangement allows customers who may not (for some reason) have owned either one to purchase new copies.
This will also allow users who have old Macs running Leopard or Snow Leopard to upgrade to “new-er” versions of OS X.
OS X Mavericks was released to the public yesterday, and according to early reports from some tracking networks, it’s nearing 6 percent share of all OS X traffic in North America.
Thanks Truck.
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