December 18, 2012 10:24 AM ?|? #2 Good afternoon chrislucas & welcome to the forums, ? First of all I would like to apologise for the service that you have received, we never like to hear that a customer is dissatisfied. I would like to take this opportunity to change the experience that you have had. ? In regards to taking out an upgrade as it is a continuation of a previous agreement we are not able to cancel this as their is no cancellation period. I would like to investigate this for you further as I would like to come to a resolution that everyone is happy with. ? I have called you earlier on today and left a voicemail, I am sorry I missed you. What I have done is emailed me so that we can discuss this in more detail, as for security I am not able to discuss account specific information. ? I look forward to speaking to you. Kind regards, ? ? |
' + originalPoster + '
' + '' + $j('#formattedDescription' + pParentPostId).html() + '
' + '' + ''; // alert("quotePost: authorData=" + authorData + "; section=" + startSection); addTextToEdit(startSection); focusOnForm(); //alert('not yet implemented'); } function addTextToEdit(pNewText) { //alert("add this text: " + pNewText); //var theForm = window.opener.document.forms[fr.fieldFormNum]; $j('#elementDescription').html(pNewText); // if it's elementDescription or ekm, and it's richtext, then do a little extra //debugger; // If we're using TinyMCE on the page, and we can find a tinyMCE editor with this instanceID // Then update the TinyMCE content if (typeof(tinyMCE) != "undefined") { // Get an editor instance, and then set the content var thisTinyEditor = tinyMCE.getInstanceById('elementDescription'); if (thisTinyEditor) { thisTinyEditor.setContent(pNewText); } } } /* Display the reply post where appropriate. Used with threaded view 1. Figure out what existing post should be replied to 1.5: hide the current location 2. Move the form 2.5: change the PID (parentID) field 3. Reveal the data 4. Save the new location of the form, in case "Cancel" is clicked and we want to hide it */ function createReplyPost(pParentPostId, pOriginalText) { // Get the ID related to the post that should be replied to // the id is what comes after the "-" opDebug("createReplyPost: top - with realId=" + pParentPostId); // if the form is shown elsewhere, hide it first doHideForm(); //alert("show the div"); $j('#outercreate' + pParentPostId).fadeIn(200); //alert('faded in'); moveFormData(pParentPostId, pOriginalText); //$j('#outercreate' + realId).fadeIn(800); document.getElementById('PID').value = pParentPostId; // Set the id for the new location of the form opDebug("createReplyPost: about to update the editFormLocationId to=" + pParentPostId) document.getElementById('editFormLocationId').value = pParentPostId; } /* Hide the form identified in a hidden field. May be called by the included editpost_core.jsp */ function doHideForm() { var openFormFieldValue = document.getElementById('editFormLocationId').value; opDebug("doHideForm: value=" + openFormFieldValue); $j('#outercreate' + openFormFieldValue).fadeOut(300); } /* @param pParentId the ID of the post that is being replied to @param pSuppressCancel if true, then the form that gets filled in should not have a cancel button */ function moveFormData(pToLocationId, pOriginalText) { var openFormFieldValue = document.getElementById('editFormLocationId').value; opDebug("moveFormData: oldLocationId specified in hidden field=" + openFormFieldValue + "; move to location with id=" + pToLocationId + "; originalText=" + pOriginalText); // IF we know the old location, // THEN MOVE THE FORM // Note: For rich text, there's strange bugs with Firefox/jquery/tinyMCE, // So, we need to do some machinations: // - delete the text area // - move the whole editpost area // - make sure the whole area is shown/visible // - recreate the text area // - initialize the text area opDebug("moveFormData: about to remove from tinyMce") tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'elementDescription'); $j('.mceEditor').remove(); // todo: blank out the preview data in the form, if any. Otherwise, if a user moves the form when it's in // preview mode, it may look as if the input box still has real data. But it won't, really. document.getElementById("elementDescriptionpreviewData").innerHTML = ''; doEditAgain('elementDescription') // Move the editFormWrapper to another create location opDebug("moveFormData: about to move (jquery append) the form wrapper") $j('#outercreate' + pToLocationId).append( $j('#editFormWrapper')[0] ); opDebug("moveFormData: about to show using jquery") $j('#editFormWrapper').show(); opDebug("moveFormData: about to add a new textarea") $j('#richtext_div').append( $j('')); opDebug("moveFormData: about to add data to element Description - length=" + $j('#elementDescription').length) $j('#elementDescription').html(pOriginalText); opDebug("moveFormData: about to init the rich text field"); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, 'elementDescription'); //$j('#creatediv').show('slow'); //$j('#create' + pParentId).load(url); } function extractAfter(pFullString, pAfterString) { var afterLoc = pFullString.indexOf(pAfterString); return pFullString.substring(afterLoc + 1); } function sendPost(pPostId) { var realId = pPostId; sendPostById(realId, ''); } function sendPostById(pPostId, pReportAbuse) { document.sendPostForm.ck.value = pPostId; document.sendPostForm.sendContentType.value = pReportAbuse; document.sendPostForm.submit(); } function printPost(pPostId) { document.printPostForm.postID.value = pPostId; document.printPostForm.submit(); } /* Do not get focus */ function opFocus() { } /* * Directs user to the edit post page */ function editPost(pPostId) { var realId = pPostId; window.location = '/pe/action/posts/editpostinit?EID=' + realId + '&returnUrl=%2Fpe%2Faction%2Fforums%2Fdisplaythread%3Fie%3Dx%2523e10390984%26postID%3D10390984%26postID%3D10390984'; }
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December 18, 2012 10:24 AM ?|? #2 Good afternoon chrislucas & welcome to the forums, ? First of all I would like to apologise for the service that you have received, we never like to hear that a customer is dissatisfied. I would like to take this opportunity to change the experience that you have had. ? In regards to taking out an upgrade as it is a continuation of a previous agreement we are not able to cancel this as their is no cancellation period. I would like to investigate this for you further as I would like to come to a resolution that everyone is happy with. ? I have called you earlier on today and left a voicemail, I am sorry I missed you. What I have done is emailed me so that we can discuss this in more detail, as for security I am not able to discuss account specific information. ? I look forward to speaking to you. Kind regards, ? ? |
' + originalPoster + '
' + '' + $j('#formattedDescription' + pParentPostId).html() + '
' + '' + ''; // alert("quotePost: authorData=" + authorData + "; section=" + startSection); addTextToEdit(startSection); focusOnForm(); //alert('not yet implemented'); } function addTextToEdit(pNewText) { //alert("add this text: " + pNewText); //var theForm = window.opener.document.forms[fr.fieldFormNum]; $j('#elementDescription').html(pNewText); // if it's elementDescription or ekm, and it's richtext, then do a little extra //debugger; // If we're using TinyMCE on the page, and we can find a tinyMCE editor with this instanceID // Then update the TinyMCE content if (typeof(tinyMCE) != "undefined") { // Get an editor instance, and then set the content var thisTinyEditor = tinyMCE.getInstanceById('elementDescription'); if (thisTinyEditor) { thisTinyEditor.setContent(pNewText); } } } /* Display the reply post where appropriate. Used with threaded view 1. Figure out what existing post should be replied to 1.5: hide the current location 2. Move the form 2.5: change the PID (parentID) field 3. Reveal the data 4. Save the new location of the form, in case "Cancel" is clicked and we want to hide it */ function createReplyPost(pParentPostId, pOriginalText) { // Get the ID related to the post that should be replied to // the id is what comes after the "-" opDebug("createReplyPost: top - with realId=" + pParentPostId); // if the form is shown elsewhere, hide it first doHideForm(); //alert("show the div"); $j('#outercreate' + pParentPostId).fadeIn(200); //alert('faded in'); moveFormData(pParentPostId, pOriginalText); //$j('#outercreate' + realId).fadeIn(800); document.getElementById('PID').value = pParentPostId; // Set the id for the new location of the form opDebug("createReplyPost: about to update the editFormLocationId to=" + pParentPostId) document.getElementById('editFormLocationId').value = pParentPostId; } /* Hide the form identified in a hidden field. May be called by the included editpost_core.jsp */ function doHideForm() { var openFormFieldValue = document.getElementById('editFormLocationId').value; opDebug("doHideForm: value=" + openFormFieldValue); $j('#outercreate' + openFormFieldValue).fadeOut(300); } /* @param pParentId the ID of the post that is being replied to @param pSuppressCancel if true, then the form that gets filled in should not have a cancel button */ function moveFormData(pToLocationId, pOriginalText) { var openFormFieldValue = document.getElementById('editFormLocationId').value; opDebug("moveFormData: oldLocationId specified in hidden field=" + openFormFieldValue + "; move to location with id=" + pToLocationId + "; originalText=" + pOriginalText); // IF we know the old location, // THEN MOVE THE FORM // Note: For rich text, there's strange bugs with Firefox/jquery/tinyMCE, // So, we need to do some machinations: // - delete the text area // - move the whole editpost area // - make sure the whole area is shown/visible // - recreate the text area // - initialize the text area opDebug("moveFormData: about to remove from tinyMce") tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'elementDescription'); $j('.mceEditor').remove(); // todo: blank out the preview data in the form, if any. Otherwise, if a user moves the form when it's in // preview mode, it may look as if the input box still has real data. But it won't, really. document.getElementById("elementDescriptionpreviewData").innerHTML = ''; doEditAgain('elementDescription') // Move the editFormWrapper to another create location opDebug("moveFormData: about to move (jquery append) the form wrapper") $j('#outercreate' + pToLocationId).append( $j('#editFormWrapper')[0] ); opDebug("moveFormData: about to show using jquery") $j('#editFormWrapper').show(); opDebug("moveFormData: about to add a new textarea") $j('#richtext_div').append( $j('')); opDebug("moveFormData: about to add data to element Description - length=" + $j('#elementDescription').length) $j('#elementDescription').html(pOriginalText); opDebug("moveFormData: about to init the rich text field"); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, 'elementDescription'); //$j('#creatediv').show('slow'); //$j('#create' + pParentId).load(url); } function extractAfter(pFullString, pAfterString) { var afterLoc = pFullString.indexOf(pAfterString); return pFullString.substring(afterLoc + 1); } function sendPost(pPostId) { var realId = pPostId; sendPostById(realId, ''); } function sendPostById(pPostId, pReportAbuse) { document.sendPostForm.ck.value = pPostId; document.sendPostForm.sendContentType.value = pReportAbuse; document.sendPostForm.submit(); } function printPost(pPostId) { document.printPostForm.postID.value = pPostId; document.printPostForm.submit(); } /* Do not get focus */ function opFocus() { } /* * Directs user to the edit post page */ function editPost(pPostId) { var realId = pPostId; window.location = '/pe/action/posts/editpostinit?EID=' + realId + '&returnUrl=%2Fpe%2Faction%2Fforums%2Fdisplaythread%3Fie%3Dx%2523e10390984%26postID%3D10390984%26postID%3D10390984'; }
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Source: http://support.phones4u.co.uk/pe/view.jsp?item=10390984
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